Who Says You Can’t Trust a Painting Contractor?
Do you have a painting restoration project that you need some help with, but you aren’t sure when you are going to be able to get the job done? For many people, they want to come to their summer home, relax and enjoy their surroundings. They don’t want to deal with painting contractors coming in and out of the home. Your summer home is supposed to be your getaway, not somewhere that you are going to be inconvenienced. The last thing you should have to worry about is tripping over tools.
We have a simple solution to help you get the job done without inconveniencing you in your home. Beyond saving you a lot of time and hassle, we can also save you money. Who doesn’t want to save money? With our monitoring services, you can have your home painted or restored in the winter months for 25 percent off the normal cost. With lower billing rates during the winter, you can get more done for a smaller amount of money than if you wait and do it in the summer.
Wouldn’t you like to come up north, sit back, relax and have a great time? We have all the tools in place to help secure your home and make sure the job is properly done while you are away. Our monitoring services are unlike anything you have ever seen before. We come in and set up cameras at the front and rear entrances of your home. This provides you with information on when the crew entered and exited your home, thus proving the amount of man hours you are being billed for.
You will also receive a progress report both in written form and via the Web cameras we set up in your home. We provide you with a detailed schedule that lets you know what room we are going to be in on what day, so you can log into the system and view where the painting contractors in northern Michigan are working for the day and what they were able to accomplish. Our cameras move from one room to the next, right with the painting contractors. You will always be in the loop with anything going on with your painting job.
Not only will the cameras increase productivity levels, but they will also provide you with the peace of mind you need when hiring painting contractors. We put it all on the line by showing you everything that is going on inside of your home. Our goal is to help you save money and get the task completed at a time that is convenient for you. Instead of spending your summer having to deal with painting contractors in Northern Michigan, you can enjoy doing the things you love.
Regardless of whether you are in Bay Harbor, Charlevoix, Petoskey or Northern Michigan in general, we will work hard to provide you with the quality you deserve at a price you can afford. Once you have the chance to experience our monitoring services, you will see what makes them one of the best tools in the industry. Stop wasting time and start planning for all of the fun things you are going to do this summer.
You may further check out our Home Monitoring Service online: HOME MONITORING
Bay Harbor Painting Contractor
Petoskey Painting Contractor